Who We Are
The Southwest Florida Junior Golf Association Board
Marc Skillrud
Paul Fitzpatrick
Vice-President/Executive Tournament Director
Andy Cegelski
Todd Rinehart
Alyssa Fritz
Social Media Manager/Director of Player Development
Tony Franklin
Jon Pazdera
Aaron Pruss
Sean Warmouth
Barb Kursh
Fundraising Chair
SWFJGA at a Glance
Each year, the SWFJGA grants college scholarships to deserving high school seniors who have participated in SWFJGA. The Southwest Florida Junior Golf Association awards two very prestigious namesake scholarships in honor of Patty Berg and Nolan Henke; the Patty Berg – most all rounded female and the Nolan Henke – most all rounded male participant in SWFJGA.
Since 1974, Southwest Florida Junior Golf Association has awarded $482,000 in scholarships to help junior golfers reach their educational goals.
Our scholarship program funds are received through various avenues. Funds are raised through Tournaments like the Adult/Juniors and Nolen Henke/ Patty Berg Junior Master and Pro-Am and from generous donations from individuals and organizations like the South Florida PGA Foundation. Without the continued support of Cypress Lake Golf Club and so many other local golf courses we could not be able to award these scholarships on an annual basis and provide a great environment for our area junior golfers. If you or your business would like to make a donation to SWFJGA, please contact Barb Kursh at bbrownkursh@gmail.com.
SWFJGA is an organization run by a volunteer board of directors with the help and assistance of volunteer parents at the events. With the help of these dedicated volunteers, this organization has touched thousands of kids in our community and continues to provide a venue to support the wonderful lessons achieved through the game of golf.
SWFJGA Child Sexual Abuse Policy
For the safety of every child: No volunteer or staff member should ever be alone with a participant. If necessary to be away from the group activity, volunteers/staff are to make sure that there is another volunteer or staff member present at all times when being around a single junior. Volunteers cannot accompany a child to the bathroom or secluded areas alone under any circumstances. Out of program contact between participants and staff or volunteers is discouraged.
“SWFJGA is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization dedicated to providing tournament golf venues for developing players. We have serviced Southwest Florida for over 50 years.”

Over our 50 years of existence, our junior golf program has produced multiple PGA and LPGA touring professionals, local PGA and LPGA club professionals, as well as many local business leaders. Our game of golf and SWFJGA promotes personal character growth, responsibility, and social skills that create lifelong friendships and achievement.
The continued growth of golf is essential through today’s junior golfers in order to develop our next generation of players in the next 10 to 20 years. These kids will be your next club members, business owners, teachers, and neighbors. Therefore, our commitment as a junior golf program is to continue making this game fun, affordable, and available to all kids.